Au bonheur... des retrouvailles !
Au bonheur...   des retrouvailles !


Monvilliers, the capital of asparagus

The property is located in Monvilliers, which is part of the district of Denonville (post code 28700 for the GPS). In the 19th century, this tiny village was known throughout Europe for the quality of its asparagus . Indeed, a certain Mr. Perrot, who had a passion for botany, found a wild asparagus root while walking in the valley of Voise in 1792. He took it and cultivated it with love... Very soon the garden was no longer large enough to hold all of his production, which was very popular. Madame la Marquise de Vernon, the owner of the nearby castle, decided to send some asparagus of Monvilliers to Louis XVIII. The king was very flattered and liked it a lot. So in 1845, the landscape was covered with fields of asparagus, which were sold to honnor the best tables of France and Europe.

Auneau, located 7 km away from Monvilliers

The nearest town called Auneau has many shops, restaurants, supermarkets, etc.

The Office of Tourism of Auneau is open from June to September and you can contact them on:  +33 (0) 2 37 31 30 65

Chartres, located 24 km away from Monvilliers

Above the golden fields of wheat, you can sometimes see when the wheather is clear, the spires of the Cathedral of Chartres, a masterpiece of Gothic Heritage classified by the UNESCO as a treasure for humanity. It takes about 20 minutes to drive to Chartres troughout the little country roads from Monvilliers. 


In order to contact Chartres Tourism Office: +33 (0)2 37 18 26 26

Paris, located 70 km away from Monvilliers

1h drive from the French Capitale on A10 in the direction of Bordeaux, you will find our property conveniently located for a litlle break in the country side. Very praticale should you have young children, who do not like too long trips by car or by plane. Think about our place for affordable holidays in the outskirts of Paris...




Ne pas confondre 


Pour ceux qui ont l'intention de transformer nos salons ou le jardin en boite de nuit, merci de choisir un autre lieu, plus approprié à votre évènement. Il nous importe de respecter la tranquilité de nos voisins, en semaine comme le week-end.

Feux d'artifice non autorisés. Silence extérieure à respecter à partir de 22h.

Une location NON FUMEUR

Nous demandons à nos hôtes de bien vouloir respecter la consigne NON FUMEUR dans les intérieurs comme stipulé dans le contrat et à l'entrée de chaque espace de vie. De nombreux cendriers, et pots remplis avec du sable pour les mégots sont mis à disposition en extérieur.

Savoir consommer avec MODERATION

Les beuveries ne sont pas les bienvenues dans ce gîte! Nous invitons les consommateurs occasionnels d'alcool à ne pas boire dans l'espace de la piscine afin d'éviter tout risque de verre brisé dans l'eau ce qui pourrait être dangereux pour les baigneurs. De même dans le jardin où les enfants aiment à courir pieds nus. 



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